Post-movie date

3 min readDec 27, 2021

So I wrote in a post that December 9 would be a premier of a movie we wanted to watch. We ended up watching a movie together first at December 3 where we watched losmen bu broto (just the two of us), well we initially asked the others to come but they didn’t, so it was just the two of us, almost late to the theatre but we made it just on time. We ate sambas after, we sat in my car for a very long time waiting for the taichan, we talked, mostly about movies we’ve watched, i couldn’t remember the other things we’ve talked about. But it was a really nice unexpected date, I had a really nice time.

But then I had to drive you home cause your motorcycle got stuck at the parking lot HAHA, well I’m completely okay with that. Then on December 9, the day the movie we talked about premiered, we watched it with our friends. We were a little bit late but luckily I have the file of the movie. Pas mau nonton sebelumnya gue udah ngajak di mpc bultang “mending kita nonton yuni” farrel bales “nanda tuh mau” terus the next day pas gue ngajakin nanda nonton dia blg deh mel ajakin yang lain siapa tau mau… jadinya kita gajadi berduaan aja deh like I expected… but we did sit next to each other sih that was nice..

Kita lagi jarang ngobrol sekarang, gue juga gatau mau ngobrolin apa, padahal banyak sih kalo mau diceritain, tapi ya gitu gue kan gengsi orangnya gamau mulai duluan. Kecuali gue nemu sesuatu yg related sama conversation kita pasti gue kirim duluan ke dia. tapi kita udah jarang chat di line. tapi ya…. yaudah… the feelings are still there, I still mention your name in my prayers.

I’m going to put a deadline on this one. By the time my birthday comes (which is in 2 months) if you come to my house and make an effort for me, I’d ask you out first. But if you didn’t, I’d stop crushing on you and I’d focus on something else. Nggasih gabisa sebenernya, I still need to tell you how I feel in order for me to lose feelings for you (if it turns out to be not reciprocated ya). Maybe someday in the future, in 2022 hopefully, we’d have a moment and I’d tell you…

this is my strategy

have you ever wondered why i never talk about my love life atau crushes with you? it’s because it’s supposed to be obvious…. and if it’s not obvious, here imma make it obvious..

lo pernah nyadar gak


i can’t hide it any longer, i’ve always had feelings for you, i mean emang dari awal i cared for you sebagai sahabat, tapi at some point that feeling just grew stronger, maybe because i see we have the same values, its just easy to be around you, and at some point, i longed to be around you… tapi ini cringe jadi lo gausah respond, i just wanted you to know. i care for you a little bit more.


i spent time with him, AGAIN, and I always tend to want to spend time longer with him so we’d drop off our friends before heading home, that leaves us extra time together in the car on our way home..




Basically the “to all the boys i’ve loved before” version of my life and the stories I will never publish