Things I learned from Bumble

2 min readOct 30, 2022

So I recently went back in the game and downloaded this Dating App which was initially just for fun but I’m going to write down some serious review here:

  1. How you chat on Bumble speaks a lot about you
  2. This is a part of the Talking Stage, the more interesting you are, the more stages will be built, or else you’ll just be ended up ghosted
  3. It’s moderately hard to find a decent guy so you better be patiently swiping to look for what you want. (even I’m impatient and I like to play the guessing game and guess “Pasti dia ngeswipe right gue” terus beneran match abis itu HAHAH)
  4. Usually the good looking guys are very bad at texting lol, they leave you hanging, or they’re not even on bumble quite that often, or gak pernah match! 👎🏻
  5. You better be smooth on how to initiate changing platforms from Bumble to other apps (IG / WA / Line), (I swear saying “I don’t open this app that often” is kind of a turn off cause that just means you’re the problem, you don’t have fun chats or other people you’re talking to)
  6. It’s okay to double-chat, it sometimes adds the fun
  7. If the other person hasn’t replied to your last chat, it’s probably because you’re the conversation killer, just add another thing to say or greet them again that’s fine
  8. Interesting bios leads to interesting conversations, you get to know a person better just by the things you put on your profile
  9. The quiz features actually helps me A LOT biar gak perlu nge greet duluan HAHAH




Basically the “to all the boys i’ve loved before” version of my life and the stories I will never publish