too good to be true all along

2 min readJul 24, 2022

i have to write this down before i do something stupid

and obviously i’m going to do something stupid, because why not? i’m in a city that doesn’t know me anyways

i’m disappointed, for sure. and you not giving any explanations make it suck even more. i basically got stood up and ghosted. this is my first time getting back in the dating game and this is what i got? i really thought you were finally someone decent.

i kept thinking talking to you feels too good to be true, you were good looking, a joe jonas kinda way, and we had really nice conversations, you spoke in great grammar, we’re in the same industry! what else could i ask for.. i kept thinking this guy must’ve had a red flag, then BOOM. the massive red flag of not showing up and ghosting me right in front of my face.

you got me constantly checking on nothing. wondering what did i do wrong.. wondering if we haven’t have to meet that day, would we still be talking.. i mean i knew something was up when he suddenly only replies every 3 hours, then becomes 6, then 10 hours..

i just had this gut feeling that i have to meet you at least once in my life. even though you said “even if you cancelled for no reason i would be fine with it cause this thing is a bit serious and both have to be comfortable” so maybe you weren’t comfortable… sorry i became a bit pushy, i just didn’t know what to do, you were so sweet and flirty, and loving. we connected. but the ed at the end of the sentences remarks the end of whatever this was. the one that could have been.




Basically the “to all the boys i’ve loved before” version of my life and the stories I will never publish